SinglesSingles will be a total of 2 songs. We will usually sing both singles as a big group, if this project starts to get too big I may start splitting into two groups. ^^
ConcertsThere will be 2 types of concerts, Mini & Full.
Mini concerts will be up to 10 songs and you will usually sing with other members in your generation.
Full concerts everyone will participate in and each song will be a mix of members
RecordingWhile recording please keep background music/noise to a minimum, especially when singing, I can easily edit out the rest
Handing in linesAny format will do but if you can please send your lines in the format of .wma or .mp3, just to make it easier for mixing!
You can use any hosting site to send me your lines such as,,
You can post lines either here on the forum or pm me at our youtube channel >YasashiiProjectDubs<
DeadlinesDeadlines will usually be up to 2 weeks after putting up the lyrics. If you need an extension or cover, please let me know ASAP!
If you don't hand in lines on time and you don't respond to my messages, I will automatically find you a cover
HiatusIf you are going to be away for a period of time or want to leave the group, let me know in the
>Hiatus Thread!< If you choose to, you may request a graduation single!
RequestsIf you have a suggestion for a song or concert please post
>here<I think I've covered most things, if you have any question just ask!